HikaShop Business v5.1.1 - the most powerful popular online store including a full range of functions. From Basic functions of extension of Joomla 3 it is possible to mark existence of a partner system with a possibility of tracing of sales and clicks, connection of statistics of Google Analytics, connection of the set-up filters of goods, images watermarking, CSV data loading, convenient copying of products, comparing of products, setup of the access levels to categories, discounts and goods, geolocation setup, display of exchange rates, setup of user fields and many other things.
Info: https://www.hikashop.com/extensions/hika-business.html
Changelog https://www.hikashop.com/support.html?id=56
Download links
Release date : January, 20 2023
List of all the files changed between the 4.7.0 and the 4.7.1