Is your Joomla site running into problems and you are considering building a new site? Or do you need to move common articles to other sites? Perhaps you want to migrate registered users from one site to another, or upgrade from Joomla! 3 to 5?
Use our tool to transfer data between Joomla sites or to duplicate information on your site. This batch data copy tool is indispensable for every Joomla administrator.
What is SP Transfer?
In older versions of Joomla! 1.5, transferring data between databases could be accomplished by simply exporting and importing the necessary tables. However, in new versions of Joomla! 1.6, 1.7, 2.5, 3.x and above, the structure of the database has become much more complex, and simple export and import methods are no longer suitable for data transfer.
SP Transfer is a tool that allows you to transfer different data between Joomla databases or duplicate information within the same database. It mimics the batch copy function of data, giving you the flexibility to transfer and duplicate information. You can transfer data of a specific type or select it by identifiers.
SP Transfer capabilities:
Transfer all or selected Joomla core records with necessary conversions (for example, assets table).
Transfer all or selected records from any database table.
Transfer all or selected folders and files from the source site.
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