4SEF URL is a popular component for Joomla designed to manage your website URLs. With its help you can make your website addresses stable, predictable and independent of the menu structure in Joomla. Change your menu and navigation without worrying about breaking all links.
SEF (NC) addresses are automatically generated, but it is also possible to manually customize them according to your individual preferences and needs.
4SEF generates SEF URLs similar to those generated by sh404SEF, our previous CNC extension. This component works on both Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.
Important features of 4SEF include the following:
SEF URLs are based on titles and content categories rather than menu items. This allows you to change the menu structure without affecting the links.
Change the menu structure of your website without worrying about URLs changing. This ensures that your SEO signals are preserved.
You no longer need to create menu items for each individual article. Content associated with different sections will now share the same URL, avoiding duplicates.
4SEF provides many URL customization options, including the ability to use categories, identifiers, dates, and more. You can easily customize a SEF URL by simply clicking on it in the list.
The component automatically creates redirects from previous versions of URLs to new ones, ensuring that your SEO signals are preserved.
4SEF creates SEF URLs similar to those created by sh404SEF, with few exceptions.
The 4SEF Import Wizard allows you to import custom and automatically generated SEF URLs from sh404SEF. This process is especially recommended when you are working with Joomla 3.
Info: https://weeblr.com/joomla-seo/4sef
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