jDBexport provides the ability to transfer various data from databases, including JOOMLA and others, in the form of Excel documents, directly to your users. In the administrative part of this Joomla component, you can create SQL queries and combine them into multiple Excel sheets or books. Use the ChatGPT help to generate SQL queries right inside the component.
If you wish to create an SQL query, the user can use the component interface and when completed, the queries can be merged into multiple Excel sheets or books. A download link is generated and when activated, whether interface or server-side, the current result of the SQL query is provided to the user as a downloadable Excel file or in other supported document formats.
Operational ajax-based SQL syntax checking ensures reliable query execution. The component also supports multiple data export formats, formatting options and an extensive set of database drivers, making jDBexport probably the most comprehensive reporting and data mining tool available on the market.
Info: https://it-solutions.schultz.ch/index.php/en/jdbexport
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